La Nebulosa "Ojo de Gato"
Esta es "NGC 6543" más conocida como: Nebulosa "Ojo de gato". Fue captada por el telescopio "Hubble" y forma parte de uno de los objetos...

Is Humanity Ready For Disclosure ?
Is humanity really ready for alien contact ? Some specialist thinks NASA is about to tell us all (over the next few years), what´s really...

Sirius A and B and The Dogon Tribe
Sirius B is a white dwarf. Its a small companion of Sirius A, the brightest star in the sky, with which it forms a dual system. Its...

Shakespeare and Uranus ?
Uranus' moons are named after characters from the works of William Shakespeare. For example: Oberon - and Titania. #uranus

Nebula Of The Week: The Wizard Nebula
How could anyone look at these pics of far outer space, and imagine this was not all carefully and intelligently created ?!! GOD is The...

Alien Origins ?
Researchers who worked for 13 years in the Human Genome Project indicate that they came across an amazing scientific discovery: They...

Planet Profile: Earth
#planetprofile #earth

Uranus: The Sideways Planet
Uranus is the third largest planet in our Solar System and has 13 major rings and 27 known moons. A year in Uranus is equivalent to 84...

An Alien Megastructure ?
Have we found an "alien megastructure" around the star "KIC 8462852" ? KEPLER´S MYSTERY OBJECT Astronomers have spotted an object in...

What Happened To The Flags On The Moon ?
Did you know ¿? One of the iconic images of the first lunar landing is that of Buzz Aldrin standing next to an American flag. However,...