The Sounds Of The Earth: The Voyager Golden Records
These were included aboard both Voyager spacecraft launched in 1977. Its like a message in a bottle in the sea, metaphorically speaking....

Pic Of The Week: NASA Before Powerpoint
This is the pic of the week: cortesy of the guys from NASA. Photo by JR Eyerman 1960's. #picoftheweek

In Space...
"In space the stars are not nearer, just glitters like a morgue." -Most of the starlight we see, comes from stars and galaxies which have...

What´s The Spot On World Ceres ?
...or perhaps an Alien civilization ? The mystery remains unsolved... but for how long ? Ultraviolet Image What do you think it is ?...

La NASA diciendo la verdad ?
Será posible que "La Administración Nacional de la Aeronáutica y del Espacio" esté informándonos sobre todo lo que saben ? O simplemente,...

Mythological Graphics
These are some "Mythological Graphics" from one of National Geographic's astronomy books. The art belongs to Michael Whelan. Back in the...

Imagínate si Júpiter fuera la Luna
A decir verdad, no tengo nada en contra de la única y hermosa Luna que acompaña a nuestro planeta Tierra, sin embargo, tengo que admitir...


Nebula Of The Week: Thor’s Helmet Nebula
La nebuosa "NGC 2359" conocida popularmente como la "Nebulosa del Casco de Thor" se encuentra situada en la constelación de "Canis Major"...
