NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope discovered a few months ago an Earth-like planet orbiting a nearby star within the habitable zone. #Pictures

Una cuestión de perspectiva
A veces pienso que el planeta Tierra es enorme. Imagínense por unos segundos cómo se deben sentir las hormigas, por ejemplo. El jardín de...

Io: One Of The Four Galilean Moons
NASA image of Jupiter's moon, Io. One of the four Galilean Moons. These moons are so named because they were discovered by Galileo...

Inside A Space Shuttle
Have you ever wondered how does it looks like to be inside a space shuttle ? Well, take a look... 1- Space Shuttle Discovery 2- Space...

The Galilean Moons
Jupiter has at least 67 known moons. These are the four largest. The Galilean Moons: Europa - Io - Callisto & Ganymede. They were...

Recomendado: "Cosmos"
No soy quien para decir que se "DEBE VER" o que "NO SE DEBE VER", no obstante, si algún curioso o fanático de la cosmología o todo lo...

Ganymede: The largest Moon in the Solar System
Ganymede is the largest Moon of Jupiter and in the Solar System. This beautiful Moon is part of the 4 Galilean Moons. If you have a good...

Do you believe in the multiverse theory ?
Have you ever wondered if "parallel universes" exists. Is it feasible that the universe we experience is just one of a gigantic number...

El Arte Vintage de Steve Thomas
Confieso abiertamente que el arte retro/vintage siempre llamó mi atención. Me agrada ver un toque del pasado, ya sea de los años 30, 40,...

Olympus Mons
Did you know ¿? "Olympus Mons" on Mars, is the largest volcano in our Solar System. So, that means the highest mountain (till now) of the...