Oopart: Out of Place Artifact
This medallion was found inside an ancient Egyptian tomb. If you look closely you'll notice that the heads of the Pharaohs are elongated....

Ancient Roots: The Sumerians
The Sumerians are one the oldest civilizations known to man. The Sumerians believed they were created by the Annunaki, which was a group...

A Mysterious Place: PUMA PUNKU
Puma Punku in Bolivia, is understood to be at least 14,000 years old, essentially, right out of the stone age. Which begs to question ¿?...

El Misterio de Julio Verne
Porque hay secretos que simplemente nunca salen a la luz...... entre genialidad, fantasía y misterio: JULIO VERNE Sin dudas, Julio...

A Mind Full Of Doubts
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts. -...

Ovnis en el Arte Antiguo ?
La temática "Ovni" (objeto volador no identificado) hay que tratarla con pinzas. Qué trato de expresar con esa metáfora ? Simplemente que...

Who Killed John F. Kennedy ?
Mucho se ha debatido e investigado sobre quién o quiénes serían los verdaderos responsables de la muerte del ex Presidente de Estados...