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Ancient Roots: The Sumerians

The Sumerians are one the oldest civilizations known to man. The Sumerians believed they were created by the Annunaki, which was a group of E.T’s. The Sumerians believed the Annunaki came from the stars to planet earth to mine for gold. According to ancient myths, the Annunaki needed workers to mine for gold, so they genetically engineered and created the human beings.

The Sumerians

Researchers who worked for 13 years in the Human Genome Project indicate that they came across an amazing scientific discovery: They believe that the so-called 97% of non-coding sequences in the human DNA is nothing less than the genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms. Originally referred to as “Junk DNA” its functioned remained a mystery for researchers. Now researchers believe that our DNA is extraterrestrial in origin.

Alien Origin ?

Do you believe Aliens created our species and manipulated our DNA ? Vote in my poll ---- >!Alien-Origins-/cmbz/565271600cf229b1ae9d7c73

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Two Against One - Jack White
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