Wernher Von Braun & Elon Musk ¿?
Hace meses que no escribía absolutamente nada en esta website que desarrollé hace algunos años. Lo cierto es que la vida sigue su rumbo,...

The Pyramids & The Cosmos
The Pyramids align with the COSMOS (how is this possible if space discovery (NASA) did not start until the 20th century ?)... perhaps a...

Should we believe ?
OOPARTS are Out Of Place Artifacts....things which simply should not exist, according to the "official" story, promulgated by mainstream...

Pakal: El Astronauta de Palenque
El siguiente "Oopart" (objeto fuera de lugar) es probablemente uno de los más famosos dentro de los círculos arqueológicos y los...

An Ancient Sumerian Tablet
This is an Ancient Sumerian tablet dated to 5000 BC that shows an image of our Solar System. How could early humans have knowledge of...

Ancient single-seat rocket-ship hidden away in the Istanbul Archaeology Museum in Turkey for a quarter of a century. Zecharia Sitchin...

Los Antiguos Dioses de los Aborígenes Australianos: Wandjinas
El mundo esta lleno de historias y misterios verdaderamente interesantes, y el siguiente relato sobre los "antiguos Dioses de los...

Something to think about
Before start with this, I just want to say that I´m not saying these are 100% real pinctures, thats the reason of the tittle "Something...

Oopart: Out of Place Artifact
This medallion was found inside an ancient Egyptian tomb. If you look closely you'll notice that the heads of the Pharaohs are elongated....

Ancient Roots: The Sumerians
The Sumerians are one the oldest civilizations known to man. The Sumerians believed they were created by the Annunaki, which was a group...