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“For every choice, there is an echo. With each act, we change the world.


Some men choose a life, full of  Peace and Normality. But others choose a life full of Power and Secrets.


And so we humans build our empire.


¿ If The World Were Reborn In Your Image, Would It Be Black Or White ?

Its Not What It Seems And It Seems Like It Never Was.

You Can Run But You Cannot Hide...............................How Did You Get Here ?



Dont wont even notice...


Awake Your Counsciousness - Evolve Your Mind - Open Your Third Eye

Doors of the Night - Once in 1001 nights the labyrinths of an ancient temple get illuminated by unearthly yellowish-green light – the aura of Higher Power. The Last Custodian walks through the solemn rows of palm pillars, and opens the Doors of Night. The light of constellations purifies his mind and senses. He knows that “If Doors Of Perception Were Cleansed, Everything Will Appear To Man As It Is, Infinite."

(William Blake)


And talking to the sky, he ascends the steps of perception (symbolized by the shadows of palms below) leading to God eternally greening in his greatness and infinity.

Somewhere along the line .....the history the forbidden truth was given to them as a gift. "The Real Story" for now was no longer a secret BUT are they able to belive in something so strange ?


The ​Shift ​Is Real


The Question Is, Are You Ready ?
(To Break On through To The Other Side)

Paradojas en el tiempo:​ Los mismos lugares, las mismas historias, las mismas amistades, sin embargo destinos diferentes ser así...entonces por qué no encontrarnos en un lugar que sólo nosotros conozcamos ?


The Answer Is Simple: We Belong To Different Worlds But At The Same Time We Are Two Lost Souls ...Running Over The Same Old Ground Sharing The Same Old Fears....


You Go West I Go East, You Go Up, I Go Down, But Even If Both Of Us Go To The Same Place At The Same Day At The Same Time....



We Cant See Each Other...Cause We Are ​Kinda Living In Other Dimensions.



¿ So Why Dont We Go Somewhere Only We Know ?​



*Dedicated To Someone I Lost But At The Same Time I Never Had.​


​How long how long will I slide
Separate my side I don’t
I don’t believe it’s bad
Slit my throat
It’s all I ever

I heard your voice through a photograph
I thought it up it brought up the past
Once you know you can never go back
I’ve got to take it on the otherside

Centuries are what it meant to me
A cemetery where I marry the sea
Stranger things could never change my mind
I’ve got to take it on the otherside
Take it on the otherside
Take it on
Take it on

Pour my life into a paper cup
The ashtray’s full and I’m spillin’ my guts
She wants to know am I still a slut
I’ve got to take it on the otherside

Scarlet starlet and she’s in my bed
A candidate for my soul mate bled
Push the trigger and pull the thread
I’ve got to take it on the otherside
Take it on the otherside
Take it on
Take it on

Turn me on take me for a hard ride
Burn me out leave me on the otherside
I yell and tell it that
It’s not my friend
I tear it down I tear it down
And then it’s born again

How long I don’t believe it’s bad
Slit my throat
It’s all I ever


Cuantos años luz tendríamos que viajar para encontrar el mismo conjunto de átomos de los cuales estamos hechos ?



El 2009 se descubrieron 2 inmensos agujeros negros, con un tamaño/masa de 20 y 50 veces superiores a las del Sol. Los descubrieron girando el uno alrededor del otro debido a la atracción gravitatoria que concluirá con la colisión de ambos agujeros negros y la formación de un nuevo agujero aún más gigantesco.



La distancia que separa a ambos agujeros negros, que han sido detectados gracias a los gases que se forman alrededor, es 14 veces menor de la que separa a nuestro Sol de su estrella más cercana, Alpha Centauri.


Prácticamente y debido a la corta distancia entre ambos agujeros, los 2 gigantes cósmicos terminarían fusionándose logrando obtener dimensiones extremadamente inmenzas.


​Day's turning to night
Pray for the light
Let me come through
Let me take you away over the line

Everyone falling
Everyone falling
Dreamers come crawling
Neighbours jump walling
Let me come through
Let me take you away over the line

And we're away to be where there's life
Shake the will to comply
Fears don't try me
Tears don't cry me

And we're away to be where there's life
When we come call out
Everything's sold out
TV just closed down
There's nothing on the news now

Fears don't try me
Tears don't cry me
We're away to be where there's life
Be where there's life

Dig out your soul, cos here we go
We gotta move, it's what we do
Let me come through


Let me take you away to be where there's life
To be where there's life

Take you over the light
Under the signs
In through locked doors to secret floors
Where we've lost 'em before

This is a journey, into the horizon
hope you can see that, if its real to you
we can meet on "The Other Side"

Awesome sounds so profound within,
It'll grip you did you see it,
If you hear you can feel it too,
Somethin' special I am runnin' to,
'Til then I go
Away very far away,
To another universe where other people say,
Is the new new place for the special to embrace,

Like a martian you seein' it,
Wandered out the place
Its Not What It Seems And It Seems Like It Never Was

You know the day destroys the night
Night divides the day
Tried to run
Tried to hide
Break on through to
the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the ​other side

We chased our pleasures here
Dug our treasures there
But can you still recall
The time we cried
Break on through to
the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side

Everybody loves my baby
Everybody loves my baby
She gets, she gets
She gets, she gets

I found an island in your arms
A country in your eyes
Arms that chain us
Eyes that lied
Break on through to
the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side

Made the scene from week to week
Day to day, hour to hour
The gate is straight
Deep and wide

Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side

I am "The Wizard", and I'm here to ask you a question:

Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow ? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor. No! says The Vatican It Belongs to Religion. No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.'
I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...
"The Other Side" a place where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small!
And with the sweat of your brow, "The Other Side" can become your place as well.
As Radammanthis seems to be dreaming in peace, an enigmatic chapter unfolds storing him into the most eery and unstable part of his imagination. So intense he cannot tell his dreams from reality.
This is the journey to....."The Other Side"
You Think You Know... But You Dont Have Idea.

Blame It On A Simple Twist Of Fate

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  • Edited Image 2014-9-28-23:33:55
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© 2013 "The Other Side" Website created by Alejandro Stojanovic.I do not own the rights of all these videos but I do own the rights of all these websites. Special Thanks to "All Time Conspiracies" & "Ancient Aliens".

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