Something to think about
Before start with this, I just want to say that I´m not saying these are 100% real pinctures, thats the reason of the tittle "Something To Think About" because some look fake and others look real...its up to you.
There´s a lot of ancient pictures and Ooparts that really makes you "Rethink Everything" like these for example:

Is that an alien ? We don´t know, but is definitely not a human beign... lets take a look again....

This is the same picture (larger) but in this one, that strange figure looks like a vase or something like that...

Here we have an alien-like figure on each side of what appears to be a UFO...

Is that a UFO ? Well, perhaps its just something that looks like a UFO....but wait a minute..

... now we have two flying objects instead of one, and these difinitely looks like UFO´s to me.

flying vehicles from the past ? You can see the similarities...

An elongated skull ? It kinda looks like the "Elongated Skulls of Paracas. These Elongated skulls have been found around the world, and are displayed in various museums.
We have been visited by aliens in the past ¿? What do you think ? Are these pictures fake or real ?